OCTOBER 10, 2019


Gymnastics Skill Work

E2:30 x 4:

Box HS Walk Drill 1)Stacked position (Hips over shoulders over hands) 2)Head neutral 3)Elbow locked when hand in contact with ground. Bent when off ground 4)Take you time with each step. Not about speed. **draw semi circle around box to give visual contact point. www.pwrmnky.com

5-10 Kipping Pull Ups/3-5 Strict Pull Ups or Negative Pull-ups

10-50’ Handstand Walk OR Full Circle of Box


Death By Cal Row

M1-1 Cal

M2-2 Cal

M3-3 Cal…

-Continue until you are unable to make the required number in that minute. Reset the rower each minute. No roll over calories! Give it your all!!!

Alex Procajlo