Saturday, December 23, 2023
BUILT Program
12 Days of Fitmas
For time (or not), performed like the song:
1 Sandbag Clean (150/100/50)
2 Wall Walks
3 Power Snatch (135/95) OR KB Swing (53/35)
4 Front Squats (135/95) OR Goblet Squat (53/35)
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups OR Pull ups OR Ring Rows
6 Shoulder to Overhead (BBL: 135/95 DB: 35/25)
7 Knees to Elbows OR V-Ups
8 Deadlifts (135/95) OR DB Deadlift (35/25)
9 Lateral Burpees over Bar or DBs
10 Hang Power Cleans (BBL: 135/95 DB 35/25)
11 HSPU OR Push Ups
1200m Air Bike or 600, Row