SEPTEMBER 14, 2019


Set the clock for 8 x 3:00 intervals. Begin the Halting Clean Grip Deadlifts once all C&J are completed.

Clean and Jerk Complex

2 Cleans + 1 Jerk

E3MOM x 5:

1x2+1 @ 60%

1x2+1 @ 65%

3x2+1 @ 75%

E3MOM x 3:

5 Halting Clean Grip Deadlifts with 2 second pause, climbing to a tough set for the day.

This is to increase strength as well as reinforce proper position at the top of the pull.

3 Rounds For Quality:

20 Second L-sit Hold

10-15 V-Ups

30-50’ HS Walk/3 Perfect Wall Walks with 5 second hold at the top

Rest as needed

Alex Procajlo