Saturday, January 29, 2022

BUILT Program


EMOM x 9 Rounds

1 Jerk Dip + 1 Split Jerk

Stimulus: Technique to Heavy

Start light and build if mechanics are sound



For time:

1 Wall walk*

10 Double-unders OR Singles OR Lateral Line Hops

3 Wall walks

30 Double-unders OR Singles OR Lateral Line Hops

6 Wall walks

60 Double-unders OR Singles OR Lateral Line Hops

9 Wall walks

90 Double-unders OR Singles OR Lateral Line Hops

15 Wall walks

150 Double-unders OR Singles OR Lateral Line Hops

21 Wall walks

210 Double-unders OR Singles OR Lateral Line Hops

Time Cap: 15 Mins

Stimulus: Sustain

Target: Complete the round of 15 wall walks -> Complete under the time cap

*Scale for Wall walk is to take one step up the wall with hands shuffling back 3 times. 

Alex Procajlo