Thursday, May 25, 2023

BUILT Program


On 30 Min clock:

3 Rounds

  1 Big Set of Back Squats*

    Rest minimum of 2 Mins

  1 Max Set of Strict Presses*

    Rest minimum of 2 Mins

*Big Set = mechanics do not degrade, but withing 2 - 3 reps of failure. On the 3rd set, push to/near failure.

Squat weight guidelines (use middle of range for Pressing)

  R1) 85 - 95% (3 - 6 Reps)

  R2) 75 - 85% (5 - 8 Reps)

  R3) 70 - 80% (8 - 12 Reps)

Choose weights to achieve desired rep ranges above.

Stimulus: Heavy


Flextra Credit

4 Rounds:

45s on / 15s off

Weighted Planks

Alex Procajlo