Wednesday, July 6, 2022
BUILT Program
On 30 Min Running Clock
Back Squat
Within ~1 Min after each set, perform 3 seated box jumps for maximal power**
Goal: End at a heavy double or new 2RM
Stimulus: Heavy
*Start at 75% and add weight each set, ending at a heavy double or 2RM. Goal - Sets of 3 are slightly heavier than last week. Attempt to hit the set of 2 you hit last week for 2 sets, or heavier.
** Sit on a box at approximately parallel and jump to a taller box of maximal explosiveness.
Mandatory Cool Down
Walk 5 - 10 mins after final set
Foam roll or mash quads/glutes/hammys
Then, pick 1 - 3:
Couch Stretch 2m/side
Pigeon pose 2m/side
Seated forward fold - 2m