Monday, October 18, 2021
Skill Practice
Pistol Skill Development / Warm-up
90s KB/Ankle Stretch, per side
16 Cossack Squats
24 Pistol Negatives, 12/side (standing on box or plates)
5 Mins Pistol Practice
For time:
Single Arm DB OH Walking Lunge - 1 Length of rig (50/35)
30 Wallballs (20/14)
Single Arm DB OH Walking Lunge - 2 Lengths of rig
60 DB Snatches (50/35)
Single Arm DB OH Walking Lunge - 2 Lengths of rig
30 Wallballs
Single Arm DB OH Walking Lunge - 1 Length of rig
60 Pistols
Stimulus: Sustain
Target: 12 - 18 Minutes