Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Fithouse LOW Program

Part A

E2MOM x 4 Rounds

8 - 10 Strict Press @ 45-55% of 1RM

+ 8/side A-Frame Toe-taps

Part B

3 Rounds at sustainable pace

7/Side Weighted Box Step-ups

7/Side Halo from hip

Rest 30s after each round

After 3 Rounds,straight into:

3 Rounds at sustainable pace

7 Aussie Pull-ups

14 Sit Ups

Rest 30s after each round

Part C

4 Rounds

30s on / 30s off

Low Plank with alternating hip tap to floor


Fithouse HIGH

3 Rounds for time

Run 400m (to the 'C')

30 Goblet Lunges

Home Made


3 Rounds:

8 - 12 Z-Press (Crusher grip on DB or Sinlge arm)

8 - 15 Bent-over Row

8 - 10 DB/KB Pull over

30s - 1Min High Plank



On even minutes - Left

On odd minutes - Right

3 Deadlift-high-pulls

3 Power Snatch

1 OH Lunge - Right

1 OH Lunge - Left

1 OH Squat

3 Shoulder to Overhead


EMOM x 9 Mins

Working 40s on / 20s off

M1) Sit up with cross (opposite elbow to opposite knee)

M2) Russian Twist

M3) Weighted Leg Raise (hold KB/DB directly over chest)


Alex Procajlo