MAY 8, 2020


General Warm Up

4 minute AMRAP:

10 squats

5 good mornings

10 butt kicks

10 high knees

5 burpees

then 2:00 Per Side,

Pigeon/Banded Pigeon Pose


30 Jumping Jacks



Jump Squats

Push Ups

S-Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35lbs

*Optional: wear a 20/14lb vest


4 Rounds

1:00 Squat Therapy Hold

30 Russian Twists


- Reduce volume by removing the round of 28 and adding a round of 8 to the beginning

- Perform air squats instead of jump squats

- Elevate hands or perform push up from the knees

- Reduce weight of DB or substitute and implement 


CrossFit WOD

1. Strength

Pause Overhead Squat 8x1

2. Conditioning

5 Rounds

8 R-Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35lbs

8 Toes to Bar

8 L-Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35lbs

8 Toes to Bar

Rest 1:00 

Alex Procajlo