MAY 25, 2020

FitHome WOD

General Warm Up 

5:00 of Single Unders 

:45 Work 

Rest :15 


2 Rounds 

10 Spider Man Lunges

10 A-Frame Toe Touches

100m Run 


3 Rounds

20 DB Front Squats 50/35lbs

30 DB Deadlifts 50/35lbs

Run 400m 


3 Rounds 

10 Right Leg RDL

10 Left Leg RDL

1:00 Hollow Rock 

Rest as needed between rounds 


-DB Movements can be one or two DBs 

-Scale Rep Scheme to 10,20, 300m Run 

-Reduce amount of rounds from three to two 


CrossFIt WOD

1. Strength

Deadlift 2x15

2. Conditioning

AMRAP 7 Minutes

7 Hang Power Cleans 145/100lbs

35 Double Unders 

Alex Procajlo