Friday, February 5, 2021
1. Skill Practice
Spend 8 - 10 Mins Working on Upside down Position
Prescribed: E2MOM: 45s - 1:20 Handstand hold or add Shoulder Taps
2. Conditioning
100 Standing Toe-taps to DB/KB/Med/ball
50 Mountain Climbers
20 DB/KB Thrusters
75 Standing Toe-taps to DB/KB/Med/ball
40 Mountain Climbers
15 DB/KB Thrusters
50 Standing Toe-taps to DB/KB/Med/ball
30 Mountain Climbers
10 BD/KB Thrusters
25 Standing Toe-taps to DB/KB/Med/ball
20 Mountain Climbers
5 DB/KB Thrusters
3. Core
2 Rounds 12 Sit Ups 24 Flutter Kicks 24 Heel Taps
BUILT Program
1. Skill Practice
EMOM 9 Minutes
Min 1-3: 3 Bar Muscle-up Kips, performed as singles
Min 4-6: 2 BMU Kip + Knees to Bar
Min 7-9: 1-3 Perfect Bar Muscle-Ups
2. Conditioning
For Time
21 DB Thrusters (50s/35s)
12 Bar Muscle Ups
15 DB Thrusters
9 Bar Muscle Ups
9 DB Thrusters
6 Bar Muscle Ups
12 Minute Cap