Thursday, January 28, 2021
1. Strength
3 Rounds
6-8/Side Single-arm, half kneeling Press
6-8/side DB/KB from hip
Max effort Crusher/Goblet Grip Bicep Curls
Rest 1 - 2 Min
2. Conditioning
2 - 4 Wall Walks (pick # reps and stick to it)
14 Squat Jumps
24 Mountain Climbers
34 Double Unders OR Jumping Jacks
3. Mobility
5 Mins - 90/90 Sweeps*
*Advanced - in 90/90 position - lift back foot and hold as long as possible.
BUILT Program
1. Strength
E2MOM x 5 Rounds
1 Rep of 1+1/2 Deadlift*
*Heavier than last week
2. Conditioning
On a 9 Minute Clock:
6 Rounds
10 KB Snatches (53/35)
10 KB Squats (53/35)lbs
Then, in the remaining time,
Max Distance HS Walk OR HS Hold OR High Plank Hold