Tuesday, January 26, 2021
1. Strength
EMOM x 16 Rounds
Working 30s on, 30s off
M1) Goblet Squats
M2) Romanian Deadlifts
2. Conditioning
5 Rounds
Working 2 Mins, Rest 1 Min
3/side Single-arm Devils Press
15 Chair Dips OR Skull Crushers
Max lateral hops over DB remaining time in 2 Mins
Rest 1 Min
3. Prehab
Shoulder Death Circuit
45s Palms Forward
45s Palms Backwards
45s Internal/External Rotation Alternating
45s Swimmers
1:00 Arms Extended at your sides Hold
Goal is to go continuously without stopping.
BUILT Program
1. Strength
AMRAP 2:00 x 3 Rounds
Max Sets of 3 Unbroken Touch and Go Power Snatches @ 60% of 1RM
Rest 2:00
2. Conditioning
2 Toes to Bar
2 Double DB/KB Deadlifts (50s/35s)
4 Toes to Bar
4 Double DB/KB Deadlifts
6 Toes to Bar
6 Double DB/KB Deadlifts
8/8, 10/10, 12/12, etc.