Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Fithouse LOW Program

1. Part A

E3MOM x 5 Rounds

5 - 8 Back Squats @ 50%

2. Part B

EMOM x 8 Rounds


M1) 8 - 10 DB Z-Press

M2) 12 - 15 DB Pull-overs

3. Part C

3 Rounds:

20s DB Hollow Flutter Kick

10s Rest

20s DB Hollow Rock

10s Rest

20s DB Hollow Hold

10s Rest


1. Conditioning

3 Rounds:

20s Up-Downs

10s Rest

20s Lateral Lunges

10s Rest

20s Russian Twists

10s Rest

2. Conditioning


Max effort Chair step ups or Stair Step ups

3. Prehab

Shoulder Death Circuit

45s Palms Forward

45s Palms Backwards

45s Internal/External Rotation Alternating

45s Swimmers

1 Min Arms Extended at your sides Hold Goal is to go continuously without stopping.

BUILT Program

1. Conditioning

With a Partner:

P1: AMRAP 2 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00/transition

P2: AMRAP 2 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P1: AMRAP 3 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P2: AMRAP 3 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P1: AMRAP 4 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P2: AMRAP 4 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P1: AMRAP 3 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P2: AMRAP 3 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P1: AMRAP 2 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P2: AMRAP 2 Minutes

Row for Distance

Alex Procajlo