Thursday, January 14, 2021


1. Strength

3 Rounds

2/Side Turkish Get Ups

8-10/Side Shoulder to overhead

6 - 12 DB/KB Front Raise

30s - 1 Min Slow-mo Plank Hip Taps

2. Conditioning


5/Side DB/KB Power Cleans

10 Goblet Squats

10 DB/KB Swings

10 Down-ups

3. Prehab / Rebab

Shoulder Death Circuit

45s Palms Forward

45s Palms Backwards

45s Internal/External Rotation Alternating

45s Swimmers

1:00 Arms Extended at your sides Hold

Goal is to go continuously without stopping

BUILT Program

1. Conditioning

5 Rounds

15/12 Calorie AAB OR 10 Cal Row

20s L-Sit Hold

1 Clean and Jerk @ 80-90% of 1RM

Rest 3:00

2. Recovery Flow

3 Slow Rounds

800m Jog

4 Jefferson Curls with Light DB/KB

12 Lunges with a twist

1:00 Deadhang from Pull Up Bar

Alex Procajlo