Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Home Made Program

1. Strength

3 Rounds

30s Stationary Lunge Hold - Right*

30s Squat Hold* (just to parallel, ensure tension)

30s Stationary Lunge Hold - Left*

Max Effort Goblet Squats OR Air Squat

Rest 1 - 2 Mins

*Add weight in goblet hold or front rack to make spicier

2. Conditioning

For Time

15 Rounds

10 Jumping Lunges (5/side)

10 DB Push Press (5/side)

3. Core

10 Rounds

4 - Hollow-to-Superman Roll

Rest 30s

BUILT Program

1. Conditioning

6 Rounds

300m OR 25/20 Cal Row OR 21 Burpees

20 Push Ups

3 Clean & Jerks @ 65 - 75% of 1RM

Rest 3 Mins

2. Core

4 Rounds

1 Min Hollow Hold

Alex Procajlo