Thursday, September 14, 2023

BUILT Program


Individual Test 3 - INVERTED MEDLEY


For time

30-foot unbroken handstand walk w/ 180 pirouette*

4 free-standing handstand push-ups

30-foot unbroken handstand walk over stairs***

16 pull-overs

30-foot unbroken handstand walk w/ 360 degree pirouette**

4 free-standing handstand push-ups

30-foot unbroken handstand walk w/ 180 pirouette*

*Performed as 15' out, 15' back with a 180 degree turn in between. All other hs walks are performed using a 30' length. 

** Performed as a 30' length where the athlete performs a 360 degree turn anywhere between start/end. No stairs. 

***For "stairs", create a 4-5 step staircase that goes up and down. 


For time:

1-Rig handstand walk

16 handstand push-ups

1-Rig handstand walk over stairs*

12 pull-overs

1-Rig handstand walk zig-zag**

16 handstand push-ups

1-Rig handstand walk

*For "stairs", create a 2-3 step staircase that goes up and down. 

**Zig zag: 10' straight, turn 90 degress right and walk 10', then turn 90 degrees left and walk 10'.


For time:

4 Rigs Bear Crawl

16 Pike handstand push ups

4 Wall Walks

8 Pull-overs

4 Wall Walks

16 Pike handstand push ups

4 Rigs Bear Crawl

Time Cap for ALL: 20 minutes

Alex Procajlo