JUNE 12, 2020

FitHome WOD

General Warm Up

3 rounds

8 Unweighted Turkish Get Ups (light weight on last round)

1:00 Back Scales

:30 HS Hold


6 Rounds for Quality

6 Turkish Get Ups (3/arm) 50/35lbs

12 Double DB Single Leg RDL (6/leg) 50/35s

40’HS Walk or :60 of Freestanding HS Hold Practice

25 minute cap


4 Rounds

1:00 Squat Therapy Hold

30 Hollow Rocks


- 25 minute time cap

-Reduce weight of DB or implement

-Perform a :60 HS hold instead of walking/freestanding


CrossFit WOD

1. Strength

Build to a Moderate Weight of:

Squat Clean + FS + Hang Squat Clean + 2 FS + Hang Squat Clean + 3 FS

2. Conditioning

3 Rounds

15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

12 Box Jump Overs 36/30"

9 Devil's Press 50/35s 

Alex Procajlo