Tuesday, October 11, 2022

BUILT Program


Squat Clean

1x3 Power Position Squat Cleans

1x3 Hang, at knee Squat Cleans

1x3 Tempo Pull Squat Cleans


E2MOM x 9 Rounds

5 reps @ 55%

4 reps @ 60%

3 reps @ 65%

5 reps @ 60%

4 reps @ 65%

3 reps @ 70%

5 reps @ 65%

4 reps @ 70%

3 reps @ 75%

Stimulus: Heavy

Optional Conditioning

6 Rounds

Run 1 Lap*

Rest 30s

Stimulus: Reach/Sustain

*Run at PR Mile Pace. Aim to be consistent from round to round. If weather does not permit running scale to 250/200m row.

Optional Cool Down/Mobility

Pick 1 - 3 based on weakness and mobilization needs

- Couch Stretch - 3 Min/side

- PIgeon Pose - 3 Min/side

- Banded Ankle Distraction - 3 Min/side

- Banded Front Rack Mobilization - 3 Min/side

- T-Spine Mash on roller - 3 Min

Stimulus: Forever


Alex Procajlo