Chipper Gone Wrong
100 Wallballs (14/10, 20/14 | To accumulate reps other partner must hold DIY:Plank, FF:Handstand)
80 Single DB Snatches (35/25, 50/35 | Other partner must hold single DB farmers hold)
60 Box Jumps / Step-ups (24/20, 24/20 | Other partner must deadhang from pull-up bar)
40 DB Push Press (35s/25s, 50s/35s | Other partner must hold double DB in farmers hold)
Max Calorie Row until 16 min mark - performed together (each calorie = 1 rep)
Score = total reps
On 3.2.1…Go!!!
On a 16 minute clock, athletes will complete the ‘Chipper’ portion of the WOD (100 WBs, 80 Snatches, etc.). To accumulate reps, the ‘non-working’ athlete must be in the respective hold. All movements can be partitioned as desired. Once the chipper section is complete, teams will move to their row to accumulate the maximum calories possible in the remaining time.
Movements & Standards:
Wallballs - standard CrossFit games standards (hips below knees), Wallball must contact wall at 10ft / 9ft mark for men/women respectively.
Single-DB-Snatch - standard CrossFit games standards - rep starts with both heads of DB in contact with ground, rep is complete when DB is overhead with locked out arm.
Box Jumps - two foot jump/take-off, rep is complete when both feet are on top of box and athlete is standing with hips fully extended.
Push press - rep starts with both heads of both DBs in contact with shoulders and is complete when both DBs are over head with locked out arms.
Handstand Hold - against wall, in handstand position
Plank - from hands or elbows
Farmers hold - holding DB at side without any assisting support from other body parts other than hand. Single DB can be changed hand as desired.
Dead-hang hold - hanging from pull up bar with feet off the ground.
No reps will count if ‘hold’ positions are not maintained.