Friday, March 26, 2021
Fithouse LOW Program
Part A
Handstand Skill Practice
E2MOM x 5 Rounds
30s - 45s on / Rest remaining time
Pick a progression:
- Pike Box Walk-arounds
- 1 - 3 Wall walks with hold
- Handstand shoulder taps
- Handstand walks
- Coach prescribed option
Part B
EMOM x 16
M1) 10 Box Step-ups
M2) 10 DB Push Press with slow negative
M3) 12 Alt. Goblet Coassck Squat
M4) 12 Floor Press
Part C
EMOM x 6
10 - 15 Bicep Curls
12 - 16 Sit ups
Fithouse High
20 Russian KB Swings
Run 800m*
* On the run, stop and perform:
@ the 'C' - 10 Air squats
@ the fire hydrant - 20 Air squats
@ the 'C' - 10 Air squats (yes on the way back too!)
Fithouse Online
For time:
60 Burpees
50 Goblet Step-back lunges
40 KB/GB Swings
30 Goblet Squats
20 DB/KB Push Press / side
10 Devil's Press
EMOM x 6
a) 10-12 Barbell Bicep Curls
b) 10 - 12 Chair Dips