Monday, January 11, 2021


1. Strength

3 Rounds:

8 - 12 Z-Press (Crusher grip on DB or Single arm)

8 - 15 Bent-over Row

8 - 10 DB/KB Pull over

30s - 1Min High Plank

2. Conditioning

EMOM 16*

On even minutes - Left

On odd minutes - Right

3 Deadlift-high-pulls

3 Power Snatch

1 OH Lunge - Right

1 OH Lunge - Left

1 OH Squat

3 Shoulder to Overhead

*Complete the complex unbroken within minute, rest remaining time in minute

3. Core

4 Rounds

10 KB/DB Pull Throughs

10 Single Arm KB/DB Sit Ups

Rest 1 Min

BUILT Program

1. Strength

2 Rounds

1 Min Max Reps - Back Squats @ 40% of 1RM

Rest 4 Mins

2. Conditioning


5 Toes to Bar

8 Thrusters (75/55)

Alex Procajlo