Tuesday, February 27, 2024
BUILT Program
For total reps:
Choose either Capacity or Skill
E2MOM x 5 Rounds
1 Smooth set of Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Skill Building:
EMOM x 10 Rounds
1 Smooth set of Chest to Bar or Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
Stimulus: Stamina
Note: Be mindful of total volume ahead of this week's CrossFit Open workout on Saturday
Burpees to Target*
+ At 0:00 and at 2:00, stop and perform 20 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
Stimulus: Sustain
Target: Lot-O-Burpees
*Burpee target should be just out of reach when both hands are extended overhead. Both hands touch the target