August 25, 2020

Love Letter to Fithouse

When I came to Fithouse I was not who I am today, one might say I was broken. I am not sure whether I found Fithouse or Fithouse found me. I do know that the experience I have had with you has meant more to me than I can find the words to describe. I am profoundly grateful to have had the opportunity to coach such incredible humans, my athletes.

Being a part of your fitness journey is not something I’ve ever taken for granted. In fact, I am truly honoured to have been trusted to work alongside you and towards your goals. We have laughed, cried, sweat, PR’d, failed, and shared some unbelievably impactful moments together. In it all, you’ve helped pick me up, build me up and put me back together again. 

Change is hard. Fitness takes commitment. Growth is work. Keep showing up and build the person you want to be. Proud of you. 

Thank you. I love you. Grow Forward.

 All the fitness,

Coach Megs

Built WOD

‘Everything Megs Loves’

AMRAP 10:00

3 Burpees over the bar

6 Clean & Jerks (#135 / #95)

9 Squats (Athletes Choice – Back, Front, OH)

‘Everything Megs Hates’

For Time:

Buy In: 400m Run  

5 Rounds:

8 T2B

8 Thrusters (#95/ #65)

Buy Out : 400m Run

Time Cap 15:00

Alex Procajlo