Tuesday, January 7, 2025
BUILT Program
On 25 Min clock:
Back Squats!
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
Rest 3 - 5 mins b/w sets
Start around 90% of 5RM you found at Test Day, and build
Aim for 5 - 10# heavier than last week.
This is your last 5x5 session. Only go for a new 5RM if it's feeling good, but still perform 5 working sets. Retest next week!
Stimulus: Heavy
EMOM x 7 Rounds
Each round complete:
10 Plyo Squats (A Squats) to plate
10 Plate Ground-to-Overhead
Stimulus: Reach
Target: 10-15s of rest/round